Hi! I'm Noah, I also go by Martyckus. I'm a skilled motion graphics designer, video editor, and filmmaker. I'm passionate about storytelling and specialize in creating engaging visuals and narratives across various mediums. Explore my work and experience storytelling through my unique perspective.

Read more about me below...

I'm all about bringing stories to life through motion graphics, video editing, filmmaking, and directing. Crafting cinematic motion graphics, shaping narratives through editing, and directing compelling films are my true passions.
From a young age, my aspiration has been to pursue a career in film direction. This lifelong passion led me to obtain an AAS in Film and Video Production at College of Dupage, It was there that I had the opportunity to produce and direct my own films, an experience that solidified my love for filmmaking while also sparking a passion for motion graphics.
With over two years of combined experience in motion graphics and video editing, primarily focused on YouTube content, I've delved into a variety of projects ranging from video essays to documentaries, alongside some corporate work.
This led me to collaborate with different teams that have provided me with invaluable insights and skills.
I love seeing my ideas come to life and enjoy collaborating with others to share that same sense of fulfillment, whether it's in filmmaking, motion graphics, or editing. Let's team up and make your vision happen!

Why Martyckus you may ask?
Supposedly, my father's grandfather's last name was Martychus, pronouncing CH like a K. Hence why I changed the H to a K.
I was always fond of it and decided to roll with it. So now you know!
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